My birth story, it's kind of long.
So I went to the hospital last Wednesday (November 25th) because I had some bleeding and the L&D nurse wanted me to come get checked out just to be safe.
When I got there my blood pressure was sky high, so they continued to take it every 15 minutes, it just kept getting worse (the bleeding was not a cause for concern thankfully) because my blood pressure was so high and I was 39+1 my doctor decided the only solution was to have a baby, so she checked me and determined that my cervix was 1 cm and just soft, still very high and very thick. So we used the cervidil, I was admitted to the hospital so they could watch my blood pressure and monitor my little man while I was being induced.
After the first 24 hours with the cervidil there were no changes to my cervix but I was having irregular painful contractions. So we tried a second one, well that one changed nothing as well after 24 hours. So my doctor allowed me to go home to get a good nights sleep and we'd try the gel in the morning.
The gel was inserted on Saturday, and with in 15-20 minutes I was having strong contractions about 10 minutes apart and 3 hours later my water broke, (honestly so happy I got to experience that part) so we waited and waited but the contractions never got any stronger or any closer together than 5-7 minutes apart.
On Sunday morning they started the oxytocin and that's when the fun began, I was in so much pain contracting 2-3 minutes apart but they were only lasting 30-45 seconds each time. After 12 hours of oxytocin nothing had progressed further and I was only 6 cm dilated, my doctor came and told me that she doesn't think that naturally is an option for me and she's strongly recommend that I get a csection (my body was going into shock and it was just so tired and worn out) I felt like my body failed me, I felt like I was giving up but after 5 days of this and not wanted my baby to be in trouble I agreed.
I went in for my emergency csection that night, however the freezing didn't take and I experienced a lot of pain so they had to knock me out. When I came to the first thing I remember asking was where my baby was and how much he weighed.
I had honestly never been so terrified in my entire life. But I feel so complete blessed to have my beautiful son in my arms now! I love him more than words can describe.
He was born November 29th at 22:22 weighing 6 lbs 2 oz and 19 1/2 inches tall. I couldn't be happier 💕💕💕💕