So, I had my first ultrasound for this pregnancy and the ultrasound couldn't detect anything inside of me. My doctor called the lab for my blood test that I got done on the 11th of this month. The nurse had made me pee in a cup again and they drew my blood. I was nervous and wasn't so sure what was going on because I knew for sure that I was pregnant and I couldn't understand why the doctor couldn't detect anything inside of me. I'm waiting in the room and the doctor comes in and says my hormone level from the 11th is at 76 in order for the ultrasound to detect something my hormone level would have to be at 2500 so he told me that It was too early in the pregnancy. I was relieved because that gave me secure that I was still pregnant and due to my low hormone level for early pregnancy, that is why the doctor couldn't see anything. I will be going back in two days to check my hormone level again❤