my son just got his 2 month shots today and now he won't sleep for more than 15mins and just keeps crying. any advice on how to get him to bed because every time I do he wakes right back up!
You can rub his little legs with alcohol for the pain & soreness. Just make sure you keep giving him his Tylenol till you can tell his not in pain anymore
I gave him some ibuprofen. I cant give him a bath tonight due to eczema. he still just doesn't want to sleep, poor baby isn't doing so good with all of this.
My daughter's leg swelled up to almost the size of a golf ball. She had a low fever with it. We ended up giving her a little tylenol, and icing it. Check to see if he's swelling at all. Even if he's not, if it hurts him, ice could still help a little.
warm bath and some baby motrin? my son got his shots today and I took him a warm bath with a little bit of rubbing alcohol gave him motrin and swaddle him also fed him and so far no fever or fussing since we got home he is sound asleep is his crib