ok please tell me I'm not crazy for being upset by brother met a girl on a dating website (which I'm happy for him it's been a long time since he had a gf) well last night was their FIRST time ever meeting. She had to bring her 3 year old daughter, I'm not too keen on the bringing your children to meet your potential boyfriend right away but things happen and sometimes there isn't much choice so oh well. My family loves kids anyway so it's fine. Well this little girl walked in FILTHY her clothes didn't match, she smelled terrible, and her diaper needed to be changed (which it wasn't for a very long time ) also SHE HAS LICE! anyway I end up going to bed around 1am and her 3 year old was still wide awake and playing and she was still here. then I woke up this morning to see her car still in the driveway. So that means this girl had no idea who my brother is but decided her and her child should stay the night? for all she knows my brother could be a murderer (he isn't ) and I'm upset because I don't know anything about her and I have my baby here. we don't know what she is capable of doing or her past (my son slept in bed with me last night because of it) but like am I just being a bitch for getting upset over all this. I feel terrible for the little girl and I just don't think a mom should be staying at random guys houses with her baby the first time they ever meet.

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I guess she planned on staying because she had clothes for today! so that's nice. she just willingly takes her 3 year old to random guys houses to stay the night oh and she is still freaking there and it's 7pm. nobody is happy right now! also I looked in her car and her little girl is not In a carseat she is in a booster seat for ages 5 and up!
12.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
I would've felt the same way! But maybe your brother felt bad for her so he let her stay since she has a baby? Either way when she leaves I would tell my brother that you can always tell how a woman is when you see how she is with her kids! I would NOT want my brother stuck in some relationship with some scandalous ass female! She can't even take care of her kid or change her damn diaper how could he take having a relationship with her seriously?
11.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
my brother is blind to it all because it's been almost like 7 years and he's desperate...and I think 6 months and that's ONLY if you know it's a serious relationship and you really know the guy is the time to bring kids around. I mean my brother doesn't see it as wrong because he likes kids and both me and our other brother have them. also I think because my now stepson came around early he doesn't get how it's supposed to be. my step son came around early because I've known him since birth because me and my SO have been best friends for a very very long time before we got together. @babycasey
11.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
11.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
def not the first time she done that! sounds like she's looking for a baby daddy. and the lice thing?! oh no, she wouldn't been kicked out with a QUICKNESS!! I say your brother needs to move on to the next.... sounds dangerous smh
11.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
1 I would have said something 2 I'm sad for this little girl 3 no mother should be taking her child around any man she meets so soon I think 2-3 months is still soon. No one really knows each other God forbid something ever happens to that child 😖
11.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
Your brother needs to go back on that website and find a new girl lol
11.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
I totally agree with you!
11.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
agree w you are 100 percent
11.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
she is...she has no personal hygiene for herself or her child. and I'm gonna be pissed if I get lice!
11.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
it's probably not the first time this girl has done that. she sounds nasty 👎
11.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'm not one to tattle but that child needs to be put in better care I would feel horrible if I just sent it back to its unfit mother
11.11.2015 Нравится Ответить
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