Help! I've been bleeding all day dark red blood enough to need to wear a pantyliner but not as much blood as a normal period and no cramping. I'm 6wk pregnant. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm worried sick. Any advice ladies?
Thank you @babyboots What a day! I went to the local walk in centre, the nurse did another pregnancy test which was positive and checked for urinary tract infection which was negative she rang Wigan hospital and spoke to Helen at the early pregnancy unit who advised me to go down for a scan etc. So off we went to Wigan. Helen was waiting for us when we arrived, she did a scan and confirmed she could see sac and yolk in my uterus and dated my pregnancy around 5wks (I thought I was 6) To get a better picture she then did an internal. She seemed a bit concerned with something around my left ovary I have endometriosis so possibly something to do with that. I asked if you can see the sac in my uterus does that rule out ectopic? She said we need to do a blood test to be sure of anything. Helen at Wigan was fantastic, she did the blood test and by the time I'd got home she rang with results. My hcg levels were thousand and something and the level matched what she had seen on the scan. She told me not to get excited just yet but it was good. I have to have another blood test on Tues to check if hcg levels have risen and not fallen which is what I need to hear and then another scan but she did say there is no reason why this pregnancy couldn't continue as it stands at the moment and she'd be keeping her fingers crossed for me. So it's a waiting game until Tuesday as I'm still bleeding.
A bit of bleeding can be normal. But I would still get it checked out :) Brown blood isn't much of a's the bright red blood you have to watch for :) I only asked about sex because...that's the only time I ever got bleeding was after I had sex at 8 weeks :) But yes, I would still get checked up, it is better to always be safer than sorry :) @missy9mth x
I'm waiting for my fella to come home from work, hopefully soon. I'm in bed at the moment scared to move. I'm not in any pain so I may wait until morning but I will definitely go. x
Thanks for replying @kendricksmommy. The number the midwife gave me is available 8.30-4.30 and I'm not sure if that includes Sundays so who would I call out of hours?