My name is Breanna and I am currently 15 years old. I'm turning 16 November 4th! I'm 25 weeks pregnant with a baby boy named Timothy Don-Eugene Curiel❤ I am engaged to an amazing man❤ I have self harmed since 5th grade but have been clean since January 8th, 2015💪 I have tried committing suicide 4 times and thankfully failed all of them! My fiance has changed my life for the better and I can't wait for my son to arrive February 5th❤❤ I live in Phoenix, AZ and plan to stay here for the rest of my life but who knows anything can happen c: Preggie is definitely the best app and I love all you moms and moms to be c:
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But you're welcome! If you ever need to talk I'm here 😊

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But you're welcome! If you ever need to talk I'm here 😊

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Yeah I had one on my leg and my wrist and my arm arm. I was nervous about them but now I own them because they have made me stronger

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i have scars on both thighs and arms and it took me a while but I'm not insecure about them anymore. my fiance has shown me how truly beautiful I am❤ thank you guys so much!@maybaby2016 @megbaby07

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I used to self harm. I was in the hospital for suicide most of my 9th grade year. I have scars that have done nothing but made me stronger and I'm so glad to be here now. I agree with @maybaby2016 it's a tough battle so the strength you gain and have is incredible. Congratulations Momma!

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I also used to self harm since I was 13. I finally gained strength at age 27 and hurt myself for the last time. I have scars but they remind me of how far I have come so I wear them with pride. I'm glad to hear you found your strength too. it's a very tough battle to fight. congratulations on your pregnancy. Always remember that you are beautiful and you do matter! 💜💜💜

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