I used olbas oil and put some into a bowl of boiling water then inhaled it before bed... I then dropped it straight into my pj top when in bed and kept blowing my nose... kept drinking lots of water (so constantly on the loo) and elevated my pillow at night... didn't get much sleep but colds normally last about a week at least for me and it has now gone completely after a couple of days 😄 also sucked halls soothers as i had a bad throat with it... hope it goes soon for you, colds are the worst! xx
I know its a nightmare :( most people say you can't take anything but paracetamol but you just have to be careful with what you're having and if you feel like it doesn't suit you then stop taking it @turkish.mummy xx
im taking sudafed day and night I just halfed the dose and they seem to be fine @turkish.mummy it doesn't say not to take them it just says to get advice but on half the dose should be fine xx