Me holding my little girl today in NICU. She was removed from the oxygen today and drank her first bottle today. I hope she comes home soon. Please keep praying.
the hardest thing in my life is leaving my child every night after having her taken away from me at birth and going home to see an empty crib. I have cried more than I ever have in my life this past week. I am grateful that Jesus is Lord and he has comforted me. My Hubby has been wonderful along with both of our families.
I went in for my doctor to check me on Tuesday the 15 and I was already dialiated 1 cm, so he sent me to L&D just to be monitored and by the time I got there I was 5 cm. and my baby was sitting breached. so I was rushed for an emergency c-section
she was born at 34 weeks and 3 days. Even though she weighed 6lbs and 7 ounces her lungs was not fully developed. they gave me the shots to develop her lungs at 31 weeks but it didn't work.