Been trying to conceive for a month now , got off the evra patch a month ago as well , took a pregnancy test this morning as missed period it was negative , feeling a little discouraged today 😔
Maybe next month try ovulation tests? These are the ones I usedссылка they are super cheap from the website. I also used a ovulation tracker app for my phone. Hope this helps *** baby dust wishes coming your way***
Have faith don't put too much pressure on yourself. There is only a small window where you can get pregnant. I'd say do it at least 3 times a week for a month. We were not planning it at all and it hapoened . I took 7 pregnancy tests!! Unless you miss your period or have blood work u won't really know. I missed mine and 3 days late nothing showed up I got bad cramps and even in the hospital my HCG was "weak pregnancy" at level 55 and they told me I am not! then 8 days after my missed period.. Bam! positive
Me too I got pregnant with my daughter so fast after 3 weeks this time around is a different story , what's meant to happen will right ? This is a planned pregnancy so my disappointment is there as my first was a surprise , baby dust to us both 👶🏼 @brynsmommie
I got pregnant super fast with my first...the second one not so much .... Been trying 6 months now! It's very discouraging! Keep trying that's all that you can do, and good luck :)