12 weeks to go! Thought we had picked out a name and now we are back to square one because of people's input (mainly family) Feeling annoyed and need some ideas! What are you guys naming your baby boys?
Of course! Choosing a name for you child is supposed to be exciting 😊 I don't understand why people have the need to judge what we name out babies lol. If they don't like it they don't need to comment! My aunt did the same thing I told her if you don't like it than, have another kid and name it what you want. I'll be sitting there judging the name you pick like you did mine 😛 congratulations! 😊 awe thank I do too! I've never meant anyone name Anson 😛
@beautifulhazelxo, thanks for sharing.. this is my first and I was excites plus I wanted people to share in my joy.. I love Anson I only know one!! It's a strong name.
I leant my lesson with telling a certain two people in our family what we were naming our son lol they made fun if the name we choose ( Adonis ) to the point we no longer loved it! We changed his name and didn't tell them until after he was born and even than they tired to get us to name him something else, I don't know what with my boyfriends parents and their stupid need to shorten every name we named our daughter freyja because it can't be shortened and we name out son Anson again because it can't be shortened they wanted us to change his name to sunny 😒
the first baby we told people the name and didn't care for the input. this baby we haven't told anyone. I didn't even tell my sister who I tell everything to.
that's why I didn't want to tell people. I had some family members make comments on his name but I don't care anymore, we both love it and that's the name we want. after your baby is born trust me nobody will care what the name is anymore