I'm so excited I just went and bought some hand me down baby clothes for new baby both girl and boy clothes since we don't know what we are having. My husband isn't too thrilled that I bought clothes cause he thinks something could go wrong with baby and I'm stuck with all these baby clothes. But I couldn't wait, baby will be here any day! So I went ahead and washed all of them and got them put Away. Now that baby has some clothes it's one less thing for me to stress over.

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We decided not to find out the gender. We wanted it to be a surprise. And he is so scared that something will go wrong and the baby will end up dying. I hate that he thinks that way
18.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
congrats. how come you still don't know the sex? at 38 weeks its definitely safe to buy clothing i bought my first baby clothing as soon as i found out the sex lol who cares!
18.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
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