Alee Shaw
Alee Shaw
So my barely 13 year old cousin has decided she wants a baby now because I'm having one.. She "wants to have twin cousin babies".... She doesn't feed herself.. She doesn't clean up after herself.. she even throws a fit if she has to get out of bed to shower!
Please tell me I'm not being ridiculous about it.. like I have nothing against teen parents because there are a lot of great ones, but I think she's being completely ridiculous about it especially since she screams and cries if she has to make a bowl of ramen or a plate of pizza rolls for herself.... 😐

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I'm 15 and pregnant got pregnant at 14.. People say I am very mature for my age. Best choice me and my boyfriend made. Yes my pregnancy was planned. My boyfriend is 19 thought he isn't a teen. But we love our son and he has made the both of us grow up and realize many of things.
17.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
Ohh my goodness!! I mean I always knew I wanted to be a mommy but at 13 I haven't even had my first kiss let alone planning to have a kid , I hope her mom is smart enough to put her on birth control, because there's no way she's going to stop having sex and from the way it sounds she doesn't care enough to protect herself ...
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
OMFG! A Church !??? You Can't Be Serious 😕 Someone Really Needs To Talk To Her Because It Can Be Even Worse When She Hits High School Smh..Her Mom Really Needs To Have "The Talk" With Her.. 3 Bodies And She's Fresh 13 That Is Not Okay...She Must Be Hanging With The WRONG Crowd
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
@babyhawkins2015, ha ha I always wanted a baby but knew that I wasn't old or mature enough to take care of one! and @juliannap that's what I thought when she said it. Like how could you think that stuff that young?? And with her mom, yeah I have no idea what she's thinking.. Like if my daughter is like that, Ima freak out!!
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
Wow I can't believe what I'm reading.. Maybe it's my "innocence" but I have NEVER heard of something like this.. Omg.. How is her mom ok with all of this!! That's what's sticking to me the most 😩😔
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
@aleeshaw, in all honesty...I think that's what kept my girls when they were younger from having babies. They did a lot of baby sitting for our family... each time they did... it would be for hours....and each time they would say, "I CAN wait to have babies!!!" cause they'd be so exhausted from babysitting. 😄
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
@babyhawkins2015, I so should. 😂 I told her to wait until my daughter is born and I'll let her take care of her for me. Hopefully she'll wait and just "borrow" mine until she realizes that it's more than just taking selfies and playing dress up!! 😂
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
@aleeshaw, her a cabbage patch doll and call it a
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
@ftmbabyboy11, pretty much. :/ I really think her mom just doesn't care. She already let her drop out of school and do online, which is fine except she does all my cousins work for her! And even after being caught multiple times, she still lets her go to guys houses and lets them come to their house. And she's tried to say it's because of me, and I'm influencing her to do that stuff because I'm doing it.. makes sense, if I had been doing that stuff at 13. 😑 I wasn't even like that at 17!! I don't even see how a 13 year old could even think of kissing a guy, let alone wanting a baby with one of them!
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
This is a dangerous situation... No 13 year old should be trying to have a baby, As a matter of fact no 13 year old should even be thinking of sex let alone acting out on it with multiple people... Her mother needs to get a hold on this NOW. But you can't force people to do what they need to with their kids... Sad
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
@summerlove96, Yes and no. She's had probably 6 boyfriends in the past year. I know she's "been" with 3 though because she was caught at a church, a school, and a park with each one.
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
I Don't Even Know What To Say To That 😕 Who Does She Hang Around ? Does She Have A Bf Or Anything?
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
@blessedw7, @summerlove96
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
She is. She's proud of it too because she thinks sex is what makes someone an adult. 😑 I told her mom and all she said was "Oh okay I'll talk to her". Like ugh, you JUST turned 13 a week ago!! Before she found out I was pregnant, she was talking about how gross kids are and that she'll never have any. That was literally two days ago. Then when she saw me today and asked why I looked the way I do(because I'm showing a lot), I told her I'm pregnant and she started saying "Oh I want a baby! They can be twins!". I tried to explain to her how much she would hate it right now and how she still has a lot to do before she has a baby, but she's like " Duh I'm pretty much an adult already and I would love to have a baby." 😑
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
At 13? That's way to young to even be a parent.. I'd have a long talk w her parents she sounds sexually active.
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'm Sorry But I Had To Read This Twice 😳 No You Are Not Being Ridiculous
16.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
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