am I the only one who gets pain threw there area everytime I try to reach my foot up on my leg just to scratch my foot I told my step dad and he claims that I shouldn't get pain threw my area just trying to reach my feet he says that I can do whatever I want if I truely wanted to that being pregnant doesn't stop
me from being able to do anything

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I was trying to reach my foot to scratch my ankle and I can't cause i get pain threw my vagina everytime I can't even put my pants on or my panties by myself cause it hurts to reach my legs up to put my feet in my pants or bend over to reach my feet that's y I wear flip flops alot and my step dad claims that it shouldn't hurt to do all that . that I can do anything while pregnant if I actually wanted too
07.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
It depends on bow your body changes. As for me, there's no reaching my feet anymore or being able to shave my legs without them looking like Edward Scissorhands got a hold to them. If you feel like you can't do it comfortably don't force yourself to.
07.09.2015 Нравится Ответить
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