I'm supposed to be getting a membrane sweep at my next appt if I don't go into labor before. For ladies who had this done, how soon after did you go into labor?!!
i had her at 42 weeks. im sure they got my due date wrong though. i had a feeling i was going to have her after the due date since the beginning. due dates are never 100% accurate.
when my baby wouldn't come i tried tbsp of castor oil daily, cinnamon tea (boil cinnamon stick in one gallon of water and drink like 3 cups a day max) and eat lots of pineapple. i think i ate like 2 whole pineapple in two days. i was told it tickles the baby making them want to come out lol idk if its true but it worked for me. i also danced and squatted a lot. after 2 days i started getting the big contractions and day 3 i was at the hospital and i had her that afternoon all natural.
Yeah everything! I've been taking evening primrose oil, sex, lots and lots of walking and still staying at 1 1/2. My doctor said she has dropped and it doesn't mean she won't come on her own before next week but not really progressing :( my mom had to have it done with me! @yahuahsdaughter