so I had my little man on the 8th. I am separated from my husband. my son is not his child. the baby's father didn't want to be around until he met his son in the hospital. he fell in love with his son. I chose to give the baby his last name. everyone keeps telling me I was dumb for giving him his last name. im just tired of people telling me I am dumb for giving him his last name when he didnt want to be there throughout the pregnancy. :'(

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I just wouldn't have given him his last name for legal reasons but its your choice people don't understand that
15.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
Sometimes for men it takes actually being able to hold their child in their arms for them to have a connection... Some unfortunately before that point are A-holes and want to avoid the situation but don't listen to the negative things other people say, Their not in your situation.
15.07.2015 Нравится Ответить
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