Dawn soon-to-be Hawkins
Aloha all... just wanted to share some very insightful info on fetal heartbeat as well as placenta/blood flow... this is great info if you are new to using a fetal heart doppler...the link below provides audio examples of placenta vs fetal blood flow as well as what it sounds like when baby moves...pretty cool stuff and alleviates worries if you find the placenta flow which is slightly lower than that of your little one!
Happy heartbeat listening pregsters!!
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Yeaaa the check ups to me seem like a waste of time... like i go in.. take a urine sample.. get my weight and blood pressure (all are fine) and go wait for 30 minutes to be seen... asked hoe.im doing (fine as always).. and listen to baby (like i do at home) literally 1.5 hours of.."i could have told you this over the phone"....

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Yeaaa the check ups to me seem like a waste of time... like i go in.. take a urine sample.. get my weight and blood pressure (all are fine) and go wait for 30 minutes to be seen... asked hoe.im doing (fine as always).. and listen to baby (like i do at home) literally 1.5 hours of.."i could have told you this over the phone"....

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@sophiesmom7, - Isn't technology wonderful?? Sorry for your loss..Congrats to your current blessing!
@jessicagarmal - It is absolutely comforting to have it. I actually asked my Dr on my last appointment if there was any harm in using it. I told him I listen to her heart several times a day. He said he had no concerns but don't overdue it.
Funny, but I don't look forward to my dr appts anymore since I hear her heart daily and I get an elective ultrasound every other week. I dread going to the Dr now cause to me it means blood being drawn and waiting forever on the dr.. lol

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i looveeeey doppler... such a peace of mind... i use it maybe 1-2 times a week and my sister is devistated and thinks itll hurt my baby... i told here there is no scientific proof to that

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That is the same reason we got one. I had a miscarriage in September so this was a must for this pregnancy. I didn't even know these existed until after I had a miscarriage.

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@sophiesmom7, - it's been a godsend! Especially since we had an angel baby this past March

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I have that same exact one. It's awesome. :)

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