My son made 2 months today... yayyyy!
He received his first set of shots today...boooooo!
My questions are will he be sleepy for the rest of the day, the next few days or at all?!
Also they gave me some Tylenol for him, do I give it to him every four hours for the next 3days like the bottle says or only when he seems in pain or fussy?
8.8 лет

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thanks @tmoschetti06 &&_ @soontobemommy

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thanks @tmoschetti06 &&_ @soontobemommy

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I would just give it to him like the bottle says to prevent the fussiness. And he will be pretty sleepy and might run a little fever but I'm sure they already told you that. Other than that you just kinda gotta roll with the flow. My son was really fussy and sleepy the day after he gets his shots and he is for about 2 days, but since not every baby is the same, yours might be the complete opposite. @kismet_carri

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He might be a little more tired than usual and be a little more clingy and want to be held. I would only give him the medicine if you think he needs it, no need to medicate him if he seems fine.

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