My perfect little baby girl! Born 6/10/15 at 9:23pm • weighing 5lbs 15oz 18.5 inches.
Had a 39 week check up on 6/9 and doctor said I was already 2-3 centimeters so he decided to induce me because she was baby #3. He swept my membranes and set an induction time for 12 noon on 6/10. Went home contracted all night and all morning 6/10. Got my 8&6 yr olds off to school and cleaned up around my house so my mom was able to fill my shoes with my boys for 2 days. Me and hubby went in at 2pm for the induction because they didn't have a bed at noon. Hooked me up checked me I was a good 3. Started pitocin, laid around for about 2 hours, upped the dose of pitocin 2 times to really get it going. Checked me again I was 5 centimeters. Got my epidural then bc the contractions were sitting 130-150 on the scale. Then resident came in at 8:30pm said my dr told her to break my water and he would be there by 9pm. So she did told me I was a good 6. Within like 5-10 mins of breaking my water I felt some pressure she checked and I was already 7. Told me not to worry the pressure was my daughter coming down slowly. And then I would say maybe 5 minutes after that I felt extreme pressure and told the nurse no this isn't just her coming down she's coming out. Resident rushed in checked again and said oh yeah babies
Coming your at 10 already. So I dilated 6-10 in 30 mins. I've never seen a resident and 4-5 nurses move so quickly to set a room up. My daughter had pooped already to so they had a pediatrician in the room waiting for her delivery. And I would say 10 minutes and 4-5 good pushes later I got to meet the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen! My Alexis Mae was born 5lbs 15oz and perfect!! She's such a little peanut but I adore her to much for words. She's my 3rd and her daddies 1st and he's madly Inlove as well. She had no issues due to the meconium and had low sugar at first but formula supplement worked great. She nurses like a pro and takes formula to help fill her belly as well, my milk hasn't come in yet. But that's my birth story. My quickest labor to date! 7 hours and 13 minutes and one healthy baby in the end!!