I really hate when people tell me to get all the sleep I can now, because when baby comes I won't be sleeping. It drives me nuts. Like sleeping now is gonna make me not tired when she's here? And yes I know that I may not get much sleep after she's born, I'm not an idiot.
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That's what I'm thinking @tracynangel ☺

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That's what I'm thinking @tracynangel ☺

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Omg people keep telling me that and I always think how will sleeping a lot now help me after the baby is born? Lol

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its not as bad as people make it, my daughter sleeps between 5 to 6 hrs a day and night. so i technically only miss about 4 hrs. and shes only a week old.

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@caracross1 exactly

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@phasion, thats what I'm thinking too. At least I won't be in constant pain at night and feeling like crap.

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i cant stand when they say that and to be honest i think I'll get more sleep when the baby is here because i sleep horribly now with all the sickness , having to wake up every minute to pee and having to be cautious which way i sleep so don't tell me to get all the sleep i can now when i cant sleep ugh

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@mdomke22, exactly, I slept for 2 hours last night. I pee every hour, I can't get comfortable.. I think I'll manage just fine when my baby comes. I've been going without sleep for weeks.

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@sarabrewer04, all my friends with kids have told me the same thing. Every baby is different. I've never needed much sleep Anyways. I just wish people would stop telling me what is supposedly going to happen. Lol

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and seriously some babies are really good. lol like mine you just gotta get thru the first month then my baby started sleeping thru the night. then you get real good sleep! lol I hated that to... plus when ur so big and uncomfortable you can't sleep for NOTHING. I just miss being able to lay around in the silence and not have to get up for much😂😂😂

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Ha you will sleep when that baby starts sleeping all night. You may not get as many hours as you would usually get but I can promise you you will sleep. And I might add not all babies are the same you have babies that sleep in late and babies that wake up early. You learn to adjust to their sleeping patterns. Everyone told me this also and I'm working on my 4th and I sleep just fine

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@cray.xo, yes! I hate that one too. Like, no shit, really? Thanks for the tip cuz otherwise I wouldn't have known. Lol

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OH MY GOD, I'm the same way. it takes everything in me not to snap when someone says that. or when someone says "you think you're tired now, wait till that baby gets here" that line makes my blood boil instantly.

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