Need help, I'll probably have a run on sentence but idk how to word this lol. So I'm going to a wedding in June, and I won't be taking my son, my mother will be watching him, I'm going to nurse him before I leave but I won't be back till the next day probably around noonish. I also formula feed so while I'm gone he's going to have more formula bottles then breast, I'm going to pump enough so he can have it for night. He refuses to drink frozen bm so I'm hoping he'll take it just refrigerated. soooo anyways, I was wondering how much I should pump during the wedding, it's at 430, we'll probably leave the house about 300. I'll also be drinking. Sorry guys it was so long I just can't think of how I'm going to do this.. I've never been away from my son for more then a few hrs. :(

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I nurse during the night, nap times, it really all depends lol I'm pretty lucky that I even have a supply still.
26.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Pump at least every 4hrs
26.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Ide say when ur boobs start to feel full that's when u should pump
26.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Hours. *
26.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Ya ide pump before and then after and I'm sure ude be fine. If ur supplementing with formula ur prob nursing what every few hits at home? If that?
26.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
It's not a certain time when he nurses because I supplement with formula so it's all different /: so maybe before the reception I'll pump, then pump during if it's like 4 hrs then when I get back to the hotel room. I'm going to pump a couple days before & see if I can get a few bottles for that night. @regelbaby , thank you!
26.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Pump when u would normally nurse. I went to a wedding a cpl of weeks ago and even tho I should have pumped while I was there I didn't.. My boobs were just extra engorged in the morning but it did not effect my supply. And ide try giving him breastmilk out of the fridge first, I'm sure he'll take it but usually the reason they won't drink frozen is bc some mothers milk has something in it I can't remember what it's called that changes the flavour of it. You can get rid of it by scalding the milk before u freeze it.
26.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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