Brittany Bryant
Brittany Bryant
has anyone's Dr determined your due date not based on your last period? mine did and when I count back the weeks to see approximately when I got pregnant it doesn't add up because it says I got pregnant on or within a couple days of the day I got a positive pregnancy test...

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I got pregnant a day before my period.
20.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
@brittanybryant, probably because they want you to know everyone in the office in case they're the doctor on call & your doctor can't get to the hospital, they'll deliver your baby.
20.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
yeah I'm seeing a different on at the same office next week and I will ask him about it... I have just gotten so comfortable with the Dr I normally see now at the end they are trying to rotate me around to see all the Dr's... @parkers_mommy
20.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
@brittanybryant, I'd ask about everything next time you see her. it's your right to know what's going on with yourself & baby
20.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
she measured it the first time at my last appointment but didn't say anything... @parkers_mommy
20.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
@brittanybryant, has your doctor measured your belly? did they say if you were measuring behind, ahead or exact if they have?
20.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
they did the anatomy scan and Sai at 20 weeks she weighd 12 oz. and every thing I have read said at 20 weeks they should weigh 8 to 10 oz. so I thought she was a little big but I know that's not a huge difference. @parkers_mommy
20.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
@brittanybryant, I switched doctors too because i wanted a certain doctor but she couldn't see me in time & I was told I would miscarry so I had to see whoever could see me & he was a joke like the doctor you mentioned lol , & they went off of what the other doctor said but still did everything over again to double check everything. maybe just bring it up to them & just say your curious why it doesn't seem like the date match up. have they done any Anatomy or any growth scans?
20.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
@parkers_mommy, I switched doctors after my first appointment. I didn't like the attitudes the Dr's had there and the ultrasound tech sucked. my picture was super blurry and when she measured she didn't measure the whole baby. so I switched to a different office and I thought that they would either go by my period or do another ultrasound to see. they didn't they just stuck with what the other office said. now I have heard from friends that are also pregnant women went to the first Dr that they did the same with them. like its seriously about a month off of what our periods say.
20.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
they usually will give you one early based on the first day of last period. then they will do an ultrasound usually & calculate it by how big the baby is. I was first told may 22 at first, then may 21 & now they think we were off by 2 weeks because I was measuring bigger at 29 weeks, measuring 31 weeks at 29 weeks. next time you go in you can ask about your due date if your concerned it's wrong (:
20.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
mine did. when I count back the 1st date I get isn't right because the 1st week or 2 you are not pregnant so I counted another week and it seemed right. but then again I just have zero clue
20.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
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