It's me and my boyfriend 4 year anniversary and we had plans to go to dinner and have a good night but when I get home we start arguing. this is bullshit he says we have no money to go out when I just got paid Like wtf but u can spend money on yourself to get a new hat sweats a shirt and shoes and jeans. like seriously if u wouldn't have bought yourself a new wardrobe then we could have gone out but once again you ruin everything! ! because all u think about is yourself. I'm so upset because I was really looking forward to this because we haven't been on a date for months. then he says well we can go out at 830 like I'm freaking pregnant why would i wait that long till dinner. well it's because he's hung over. well no one told u to drink u knew we had plans u knew our son had the flu and u knew I had to work at 6 am. whatever it's just a great way to start the effin New year. 😢
9.3 лет

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