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It was a longggg weekend. Between tornados sirens & funnel clouds….to Hurricane Helene doing a hard number on my southern Ohio city. And still being without power & it’s already been 3 days (right after a grocery trip), homecomings were cancelled. Soccer games & footballs games cancelled. To school being cancelled today bc they still have no power & no one around the school has power still today. Estimated restoration is tomorrow at 11pm. God willing at this point. DH had to go back to work this morning running on fumes. Thankful to have friends who share generators & being able to afford gas for a week of running one. But I’m not sleeping much. The kids aren’t sleeping well. It’s just frustrating & I just want a good nights sleep & a hot, home cooked meal.
I’m done ranting. Happy Monday!
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jenx Oh my goodness, all the headlines are about other states, I had to dig to see stories
momwifewitch I am so sorry y’all are going through this! I hope all gets back to normal soon!
mamaof2minigunns I hate this for you 😔 I know how hard it is, we did 16 days no
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Проблемы после риносептопластики
Devocki.u mena net opita neznayu mojet tak i bivaet u nekotorix.posle 10let razdumiy ya nakonec to rewilas sdelat rinoseptoplasitiku t k ne mogla diwat.diwat mogu normalno ya uje 4 mesaca posle operaciyi do six por nowu retainer. Kogda vitaskivayu cerez nedelu dirocki raznogo razmera polucayutsa i snizu smotriw srazu posle snatiya gipsa nos bil rovniy.posle 2go mesaca podnimaetsa gorbinka.vrac sdelal ukol vit d v nos i skazal massaj.delayu massaj stanovitsa ewe xuje ewe bolwe gorbinka.u mena vse nervi na predele.piwu assistentke ot nee ni tolku.a k vracu ewe cerez mesac.u kogoto bila takaya situaciya i v konce kakoy rezultat?
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perimensimova Посмотритее ее историю Если вам не нравится что-то то реально требуйте Ей делал рино хвалебный врач Теймур
yeganaccs @perimensimova Delo ne tolko v nenravitsa a realno s gorbinkoy vrac govorit izza nexvatki vit ne
zeynalovas4 k sojaleniyu eto nenormalno(((((
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Беременность и лечение
Wellll looks like induction is set for 9/28! But I could go into labor earlier due to my water breaking. I’m stuck in the hospital until then. 34 weeks baby is the goal now. I will get a visit from NICU today to let me know the plan once she is here. And the steroids have shot my glucose levels up so now I get to take insulin too! On top of antibiotics every 4-6 hours. I’ve been poked 10 times for blood draws and I’m so tired of needles. Ughh. I just cried my eyes out over this. I am so overwhelmed.
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ahhhh-real-monster Awwww, I wish I can hold your hand. Praying for you darling
jenx How stressful. :( I am glad the care team is prepping, but so stressful for all of
hakunamatata09 Oh no. I'm sorry Ray. Who is watch B? It'll be ok! I know it sucks being
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Коклюш у ребёнка: опыт и вопросы
Devochki vsem privet ya tak perejivayu,u mena sin nacal kashlat so 2go sentyabra vrach posmotrel naznacil ingolaciyu i sirop ot kashla,no dni proxodili vse ostavalos neizmennoy,uje po nocham on nacal silno kashlat do pram ushag bogulurdu chox pis,uje na 7 den skazali podozrenie na koklush,ingolaciyu pomenali vmesto pulmares na flutizon,i vmesto forkid cofsen na kodelak,i vrach skazala cto analizi nado sdat na 10-14 den ctob tochniy otvet uvidet,zavtra uje otvet viydet,vrach skazal uje nado eritromicin,no mi uje uje pocti 11 dney prosto ingolaciyu delali antibiotika gore gorxuram birden gecikmishik,tak boyus koklusha,cunki hechneyin effekti yoxdu gunortada oskurur i axsham voobshe bogulur ushaga baxmag olmur,Mojete napisat cyi deti boleli koklushom kak perenesli na kakoy den bolezni nacali prinimat antibiotiki i sk dney?on u mena bez privivki gde kak otkuda podcepil dochka i on bili doma ni s kem ne kontaktirovali….. shas analizi gozleirik ki degig bilek koklushdu ya yox,11 gundu bu veziyyetdi,no adi oskurekden bashladi 4-5 gun sonra keskinleshdi…. i on nacal pokazivat na rebra cto bolit
i nazlo nash vrach shas za granicey
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pashazade96 net nam ne naznacali rentgen
radaadelemaia Забыла написать когда ночью кашляет не давайте лежать, сразу поднимайте, так быстрее кашель проходит. Я будила на
jafarzuzu U nas tak nacelos daje was mi kasleyim inogda po nocam dnyom kogda oni beguyut ili mnogo
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What Are Your Favorite Girl Names for Our Baby?
Hey hey! I have not been on for a while. Going through many changes in life. It’s been hard but things will get better in time. We found out we are having a girl!!!! 💕 Bella is super excited 🥰 I have felt it was a girl from the first start of having back acne 😂 we had a screening done and it was positive for Downs so we’ve had a dna genetics test that came back as low risk and the ultrasound looks perfect and no abnormalities were seen. Either way, I’ll love this baby girl. I am not sure on names though! What are your favorite girl names??
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scam822 I love Mia, Esme, Luna, Sage, Isla 🤍🤍
ksmommyx3 Kataleya, Bailey, Nora, Jade, Vaeda, Myla, Aubrielle, Noelle, Blakely
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Is Gentle Parenting Better Than Corporal Punishment?
I always question if I was making the right decision not using corporal punishment on my kids, hearing that if they don't get “spanked” they won't learn their lesson or would be brats even though I get so many compliments on how well behaved my kids are. Today I seen the effects of gentle parenting when my son got slime in his sisters hair while she was sleeping. He was honest and told me he wanted to wake her up by putting slime on her neck/cheek so she would be awake to tell their dad bye and have a good day at work, but she turned her head and it got in her hair. Just thinking if a child assumes a mistake will result in physical punishment they wouldn't tell them the truth or just shut down and take the consequences for a honest mistake. I made the mistakes of assuming my oldest had to be this perfect never make an error kid and raised my hand to him one too many time that he is this teen that seems afraid to make mistakes. I hope I can reverse all the mistakes I've made. I want my kids to respect me not fear me.
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verguinia Sweet children but how did it come e out and how did the sister react omg this
wellabean0413 I’ve always believed gentle parenting works way better than spanking. I was spanked and never came to
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Should I See a Cardiologist for Heart Issues During Pregnancy?
anyone deal with heart issues while pregnant? I had an echo done, I had one my last pregnancy and I had one this pregnancy just because all of my pregnancies are high risk and they have been pretty close together. My echo showed I have valve regurgitation. I don’t think my OB was going to even mention it to me because I had to reach out to them multiple times and finally she called back. She thinks it’s pregnancy related and how my heart is handling the extra blood flow, she was naming all the positives and what else they look for and said they don’t feel like I need to see a cardiologist while pregnant but she does know a good cardiologist she will set me up with just for peace of mind after I have him. I honestly am not feeling comfortable with this. I see my OB on the 9th and have a million questions. I suffer from anxiety and it’s hard to tell if the things I am feeling are anxiety related or heart related. I want to see the cardiologist now and ask questions too. To be very honest I need to know the impacts this pregnancy will have because I have 4 other kids who need me and if I’m jeopardizing my health I rather terminate.
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m00my2five Either way, I say even if it's just for peace of mind, set the appointment. If the
jenx I would definitely want a consult for peace of mind. Your OB is probably 100% correct but
lizibear84 Working in a cardiologist office for 20 years as an echo tech, I’ve seen a lot of
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Why Is This Summer Heat Wave So Unbearable?
Another miserably hot, summer day. My kids haven’t even wanted to go outside for the last 3 days now bc of the awful heat. Not that I blame them but they’re getting stir crazy inside & there isn’t much else to do that they haven’t already done a 100x. I just wish this stupid heat wave would pass so we can actually do something outside of the house without feeling like we’re going to throw up from the weather.
I’m frustrated & I know all our friends are too bc their kids are also avoiding the outside & it’s just too freaking much. I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again…Summer weather is the absolute worst & we are all miserable over here! 🫠🥵😒
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scream.queen It is absolutely miserable. 😩 I thought I could at least enjoy the coolness of nighttime, but
momwifewitch I feel this entire post in my soul! It really is absolutely miserable, my kids won’t go
hakunamatata09 It's hot here too! We have done spash plad Water balloons outside Pool today! Inside you can
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Should Young Preteens Wear Bras? Opinions Needed
Opinions please

My daughter is just like me. She's 9.5 and has been slowly going through puberty the last year. She's anxious about it and breaks down in tears and the slightest mention of the word period in that context. Anyway about a year ago my mil was on me like hotcakes telling me she needs to wear a bra 🙄. I wanted her to have a little bit of childhood before more body changes and she was only 8. I brought her some training bras when she turned 9 but honestly she almost an A cup so they didn't do much. She HATED them but I told her that society says we she wear them, really I didn't want perverts looking at her when we were out and about. Anyways...

It's 90 out today and my niece who is going into highschool this fall was just over. Her and my sister were talking about bras or lack there of. My niece said no one really wears them anymore at her school. Shocked, but I asked for more info and she said the girls don't wear them. Sometimes the larger chest girls will wear them for gym or sports but that's it. No one cares.

Now I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't be forcing my kiddo to either. I wear one about 75% of the time. After I get a lift in a year or two I probably won't wear one at all. I feel so bad. Like maybe she shouldn't wear one. The one's she prefers don't do any kind of support or anything.

So do your young preteens and teens wear them? Do you make them wear them no matter what daily or only in certain circumstances.
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ksmommyx3 My teen and I wear them out in public. We have too much titty to be free
ekko I don’t have much of a say bc I don’t have a daughter, but girls definitely wear
kesh-kesh My daughter hates them. She mostly likes the ones that are like half tank tops with the
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