Планирование беременности

Зачатие и планирование ребенка. Врачи и клиники, гинекологические заболевания и их лечение. Обследования, анализы, процедуры и операции на пути к беременности.
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My temp hasn’t risen at all but the opposite, today it went down.
myboysathome So today maybe O day. I usually get a dip in temp along with positive opk the
astridoll @myboysathome, the day before yesterday and yesterday I got cramps and sore boobs. Also I’m having creamy
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jennatess Hahaha. I always think that when I see posts in here. “I was late to work today.
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harleyquinn13 Def go ahead and test!
cocoamomma2kids20182021 It supposed to come this week here
cocoamomma2kids20182021 The app is P.C @tristan-makes-5,
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