🧒 Jayden,s Mother 🧒
🧒 Jayden,s Mother 🧒

Как прошел Валентинов день с сыном? Шоколадная клубника, снег, фильм и пицца! 14 февраля - особенный день

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I made homemade chocolate covered strawberries made my son a Valentine's Day homemade card And he played in the snow for a little bit And we watched a movie and now we're going to have some pizza and some wings . And enjoy the rest of the night and go to bed . Hope everyone enjoyed there day single by ur self or single and with kids . On Valentine's Day February 14th 2017 I found out I was 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant with my son . And ever since that he has always been my Valentine and he will always be no matter if im in a relationship or not . My son is my favorite human . 🩵💘🌹 Mom & son bond that can't be broken

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