Okay here's the deal. I'm WAY bigger with this baby than I was with my first. I know every pregnancy is different. But is it at all possible that it could also mean that his baby is at all significantly bigger than what her big sister was? The baby's dad was so big when he was born his mother had to have a c section at 18 because of how broad he was. He would have killed his mother had she tried a vaginal birth. Ever since he told me that I've been trying to keep my mind busy elsewhere. But with me being so much bigger, and all the differences with this pregnancy and my first.... I just can't help but to feel like if I can't have her naturally by 38 weeks, I could end up with a c section. Dx I'll be talking to my OB about it. But my next appt is at 28 weeks August 10th.
7.7 лет

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I got bigger much faster on my second one and was bigger in general. he came earlier and weighed less than first.

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I got bigger much faster on my second one and was bigger in general. he came earlier and weighed less than first.

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It's quite common to get bigger faster with a second or third baby. Definitely talk to your doc but I'm sure they'd have brought it up if your uterus was measuring too big for your current gestational time...

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