baby is having withdrawals from the zoloft I was on my entire pregnancy. The high risk office told me it was safe in pregnancy and didn’t have any affects on baby. I also read that as well. now I feel bad.
2 года

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It’s safe til the 3rd trimester. I took it my entire pregnancy too. They said the pros of me taking it out weighed the con. What kind of withdrawals? My daughter had the shakes but it didn’t even wake her when sleeping and it passed quickly. Do not beat yourself up, ok? You’re an amazing mom. Baby will
Be ok. I’m here if you need or want to talk. Inbox is always open. 💜

2 года Нравится Ответить



@massgirl, @momgroupreject, I kept asking them if it was safe even while we were increasing the dose and they kept saying it was the “safest” to take in pregnancy and shouldn’t have any affects on her. I even asked about the 3rd trimester. I am breast and bottle feeding and she is doing well with both. The shaking and rapid breathing makes me feel so bad.

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They kept me on a super low dose and then increased after he was born. I also saw a high risk doctor and they said the side effects from Effexor are worse than Zoloft. I’m sorry she went thru that but I’m hoping nursing will help it since it’ll be in your milk?

2 года Нравится Ответить

Really?? I’ve never heard of this! I was also on Zoloft at the end of pregnancy. They had me switch from Effexor to Zoloft. But it was a really low dose. I hope she gets through it :( are you nursing?

2 года Нравится Ответить

So sorry. I hope this passes quickly for her

2 года Нравится Ответить

Wow I’m glad I stopped, they told me not too, but I did anyways. 🤦🏻‍♀️

2 года Нравится Ответить

Wow. I'm so sorry you guys are going through this. I was never disclosed that it could cause withdrawals either.

2 года Нравится Ответить

It’s safe til the 3rd trimester. I took it my entire pregnancy too. They said the pros of me taking it out weighed the con. What kind of withdrawals? My daughter had the shakes but it didn’t even wake her when sleeping and it passed quickly. Do not beat yourself up, ok? You’re an amazing mom. Baby will
Be ok. I’m here if you need or want to talk. Inbox is always open. 💜

2 года Нравится Ответить

@whereswaldo, 100 mg but at some point I had stopped it cold turkey but got back on and i went from 25-100 in a few weeks only because they said it was okay I went back to 100. She is sleeping a lot too, she whines in her sleep but she doesn’t really cry or seem agitated. In the beginning of my pregnancy I was also on xanax but got off. I should have dug deeper about it but I read a few things on it and trusted my care team. If I knew it would have affected her I would have done my best to be on the lower dose or off of it.

2 года Нравится Ответить

@dontblockmesis-imjustspeakingfacts, oh I know. I totally know you would had you known. But that’s just it. You didn’t know. Your team apparently thinks it’s just fine and for the most part Zoloft is fine. It’s that tricky third trimester from what I was told when I was pregnant a decade ago. Things change. Maybe they realized it wasn’t as risky as they thought when I did it. But I promise baby will be ok. You’ll both be ok. Do not beat yourself up. Just snuggle that baby and enjoy her. I’m glad she doesn’t seem agitated by any of this. You’re a good mom. You weren’t taking illegal drugs to get your fix. You took meds you needed. Hugs. I know those hormones and that precious baby are sending your feelings all over the board. It’ll be ok 💜 I am always here.

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@whereswaldo, thank you

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